The Office of

Virtual Tenebrae

According to the Use of Brent House, the Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Chicago

April 8, 2020

8:00 pm Central

Recorded via Facebook Live

(or, see other services)

One complication of holding services over the internet is that congregational responses don’t really work. Instead, we’ll take turns being the “designated all” for different parts of the service: everyone else can follow along with their microphones muted. Since the office liturgies don’t require an ordained minister, we’ll also take turns as leader.

Please volunteer to take a part! We welcome anyone who’d like to participate, and we can teach you what to do: just get in touch with Philip if you’re interested.

There are more details about today’s service at the end.


The servicee begins with a period of silent reflection. The officiant will light 9 candles, then begin with some opening sentences as we gather out thoughts.

Allison will serve as responder.


Yours is the day, O God, yours also the night; you established the moon and the sun. Psalm 74:15 (BCP)



If I say, “Surely the darkness will cover me, and the light around me turn to night,” darkness is not dark to you, O Lord; the night is as bright as the day; darkness and light to you are both alike. Psalm 139:10–11 (BCP)



Seek him who made the Pleiades and Orion, and turns deep darkness into the morning, and darkens the day into night; who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the surface of the earth: The Lord is his name. Amos 5:8 (BCP)

First Nocturn: Psalm

The psalm is sung antiphonally. You are invited to join either the “leader” or the “responder” part (with your microphone muted).

Philip will serve as leader and Tim will serve as responder.

You have put my friends far from me: Leader - you have made me a thing of hor ror to them.

Psalm 88 (NRSV, adapted)

incipit ◊ flex Leader Responder


O Lord God of my sal-vation, *


in the night have I cried be-fore you;


O let my prayer enter into your pre-sence; *


turn your ear to my cry,


For my soul is filled with trou-ble *


and my life draws near to hell


I am counted among those who go down into the depths. *


I am like those who have no help.


Like one among the dead; *


like the slain that lie in their graves;


Like those whom you remember no more, *


for they are cut off from your hand.


You have laid me in the lowest pit, *


in places dark     and deep.


Your indignation weighs down up-on me: *


I am drowned be-neath     your waves.


You have put my friends far from me; you have made me a thing of hor-ror to them. *


I am shut in; I cannot escape; my eyes grow dim with sor-row.


Every day I call on you, O Lord; *


I spread out my hands     to you.


Do you work wonders for the dead? *


Do the shades rise up to praise you?


Is your steadfast love declared in the grave, *


or your faithfulness in de-struc-tion?


Are your wonders known in the dark-ness, *


or your saving help in the land of ob-liv-ion?


As for me, Lord, I cry out to you; *


in the morning my prayer comes be-fore you.


Lord, why do you re-ject me? *


Why do you hide your face from me?


I am in misery; death seems at hand; I am numb, and long have I suffered with a troubled mind. *


Your displeasure has swept over me; fear of you has un-done me.


Terrors surround me all day like a flood; *


from all sides they close in on me.


My friends and my lovers you have tak-en from me. *


My only compan-ion is dark-ness.

You have put my friends far from me: Responder - you have made me a thing of hor ror to them.

A candle is extinguished.

First Nocturn: Lesson

Lamentations 1:1–5 (Alter)

Tim will sing the introduction and conclusion, Allison will sing the Hebrew letters, and Luke will sing the verses.

- - - - Here be gins the First La men ta tion - - - - of Je re mi ah the Pro phet.
- A leph א
- - - How she sits a lone, the ci ty once great with peo ple. - - - - She has be come like a wid ow. Great a mong na tions, - - - - - - mis tress a mong prov inc es, re duced to forced la bor.
Bet ב
She weeps on through the night, and her tears are on her cheek. - - - She has no con sol er from all her lov ers. - All her friends have be trayed her, - - - have be come en e mies to her.
- Gim mel ג
- - - - - Ju dah is ex iled in af flic tion and in hard la bor. - - She dwells a mong the na tions, she finds no rest. - - All her pur su ers take her in straits.
- Da led ד
- - - - - The roads of Zi on mourn with out fes ti val pil grims. - - - All her gates are des o late, her priests are groan ing. her - - - - - vir gins are sor row strick en and she: it is bit ter for her.
Hay ה
- - - Her foes are at the head, her en e mies are tran quil. - - for the Lord has strick en her with sor row - - - be cause of all her tres pass es. - - - Her babes have fall en cap tive be fore the foe.
- - - - - - Je ru sal em, Je ru sa lem: turn to the Lord your God.

First Nocturn: Responsory

Elma will serve as leader and Philip will serve as “all.”


O you who walk through the road,
turn and see
if there is any sorrow like my sorrow.


Turn, all you people, and see
if there is any sorrow like my sorrow.

A candle is extinguished.

Second Nocturn: Psalm

The psalm is sung antiphonally. You are invited to join either the “leader” or the “responder” part (with your microphone muted).

Luke will serve as leader and Elma will serve as responder.

- - - They di vide my gar ments a mong them; Leader - they cast lots for my clo thing.

Psalm 22:1–21 (BCP)

incipit ◊ flex Leader Responder


My     God, my God, why have you for-sak-en me? *


and are so far from my cry and from the words of my dis-tress?


O my God, I cry in the daytime, but you do not an-swer; *


by night as well, but I find no rest.


Yet you are the Ho-ly One, *


enthroned upon the prai-ses of Is-rael.


Our forefathers put their trust in you; *


they trusted, and you de-liv-ered them.


They cried out to you and were de-liv-ered; *


they trusted in you and were not put to shame.


But as for me, I am a worm and no man, *


scorned by all and despised by the peo-ple.


All who see me laugh me to scorn; *


they curl their lips and wag their heads, say-ing,


“He trusted in the Lord; let him de-liv-er him; *


let him rescue him, if he de-lights     in him.


Yet you are he who took me out of the womb, *


and kept me safe u-pon my mo-ther’s breast.


I have been entrusted to you ever since I was born; *


you were my God when I was still in my mo-ther’s womb.


Be not far from me, for trouble is near, *


and there is none     to help.


Many young bulls en-cir-cle me; *


strong bulls of Ba-shan sur-round me.


They open wide their jaws at me, *


like a ravening and a roar-ing li-on.


I am poured out like water; all my bones are out of joint; *


my heart within my breast is melt    -ing wax.


My mouth is dried out like a pot--sherd; my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth; *


and you have laid me in the dust of the grave.


Packs of dogs close me in, and gangs of evildoers circle a-round me; *


they pierce my hands and my feet; I can count all my bones.


They stare and gloat o-ver me; *


they divide my garments among them; they cast lots for my clo-thing.


Be not far away, O Lord; *


you are my strength; has-ten to help me.


Save me from the sword, *


my life from the pow’r of the dog.


Save me from the lion’s mouth, *


my wretched body from the horns of wild bulls.


I will declare your Name to my breth-ren; *


in the midst of the congregation I will praise you.


Praise the Lord, you that fear him; *


stand in awe of him, O offspring of Israel; all you of Jacob's line, give glo-ry.

- - - They di vide my gar ments a mong them; Responder - they cast lots for my clo thing.

A candle is extinguished.

Second Nocturn: Lesson

Lamentations 3:16–26,29–33 (Alter)

Philip will sing the introduction and conclusion, Allison will sing the Hebrew letters, and Tim will sing the verses.

- - - From the Third La men ta tion - - - - of Je re mi ah the Pro phet.
Vav ו
- He made my teeth crunch down on grav el, crushed me in the dust.
Vav ו
- - - My life a ban doned peace, I for got what was good.
Vav ו
And I thought, “My strength - and my hope are lost be fore the Lord.”
- Za yin ז
- - - - - Re call my af flic tion and my wan der ing: - - worm wood and poi son.
- Za yin ז
- - - My ver y life does re call and bends down up on me.
- Za yin ז
- - Thus I an swer to my heart, there fore I yet hope:
Chet ח
- - The Lord’s kind ness has not end ed, - - - for His mer cies are not ex haust ed.
Chet ח
- - - - - They are re newed eve ry morn ing. Great is your faith ful ness.
Chet ח
- - “My por tion is the Lord,” I said, there fore I yet hope for Him.
Tet ט
Good is the Lord for those who look to Him, - for the per son who seeks Him out.
Tet ט
- - Good that he hopes in si lence for res cue from the Lord.
Yod י
- Let him put his mouth in to the dust: - per haps there still is hope.
Yod י
- Let him of fer his cheek to him who strikes him, - let him take his fill of dis grace.
Kaf כ
- - - - For the Lord will not a ban don for ev er. - Though He strikes with sor row, - - He will show mer cy in His great kind ness.
Kaf כ
- - For He does not af flict on pur pose - and ag grieve the sons of men.
- - - - - - Je ru sal em, Je ru sa lem: turn to the Lord your God.

Second Nocturn: Responsory

Luke will serve as leader and Allison will serve as “all.”


On the mount of Olives, Jesus prayed to the Father:


Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.


Watch and pray, that you may not enter into temptation.


The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

A candle is extinguished.

Third Nocturn: Psalm

The psalm is sung antiphonally. You are invited to join either the “leader” or the “responder” part (with your microphone muted).

Philip will serve as leader and Stacy will serve as responder.

- In peace, in per fect peace, I will lie down and rest. Leader

Psalm 143 (NZPB)

incipit ◊ flex Leader Responder


Hear my prayer O Lord: *


in your faithfulness give heed to my pleading, and answer me in your right-eousness.


Do not put your servant on tri-al: *


for in your sight no one li-ving is in-nocent.


For my enemies have hunted me down, and beaten me to the ground: *


they have made me inhabit darkness, like those who have long     been dead.


Therefore my spirit faints with-in me: *


and my heart is numb     with grief.


Yet I remember times past, I think about all you have done: *


I meditate on the works of your hands.


I stretch out my hands to you: *


I thirst for you as a parched land thirsts     for rain.


Make haste to answer me Lord, for my spirit is fail-ing: *


do not hide your face from me, or I shall be like those who go down to the dead.


Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morn-ing: *


for in you I have put     my trust.


Show me the way I should walk in: *


for to you I lift up my soul.


Deliver me Lord from my en-emies: *


for I have fled to you for ref-uge.


Teach me to do your will, for you are my God: *


let your good spirit lead me on an ev    -en path.


Keep me safe O Lord for your name’s sake: *


and for your righteousness’ sake bring me out of trou-ble.

- In peace, in per fect peace, I will lie down and rest. Responder

A candle is extinguished.

Third Nocturn: Lesson

Lamentations 4:1–5 (Alter)

Stacy will sing the introduction and conclusion, Luke will sing the Hebrew letters, and Philip will sing the verses.

- - - - Here be gins the Fourth La men ta tion - - - - of Je re mi ah the Pro phet.
- A leph א
- - How has gold turned dull, how tar nished fin est gold! - - The sa cred gems spilled out at the cor ner of each street.
Bet ב
- - Zion’s pre cious chil dren, worth their weight in gold, - - - how are they reck oned as earth en ware jars, - the work of the pot ter’s hands!
- Gim mel ג
- - - - E ven jack als of fer their breast, suck le their own cubs. - - - My Peo ple’s Daugh ter is now ruth less - - - as os trich es in the de sert.
- Da led ד
- - The suck ling’s tongue has cleaved to his pal ate out of thirst. - Babes ask for bread: none of fers it to them.
Hay ה
- - - - - Those who ate del i ca cies are des o late in the streets. - - - They who were reared on pur ple, em brace the re fuse heaps.
- - - - - - Je ru sal em, Je ru sa lem: turn to the Lord your God.

Third Nocturn: Responsory

Those designated sing the responsory:

Philip and Tim will sing alternating sections.

Ecce quomodo moritur justus
Music: Jacob Handl (1550–1591)

See how the righteous one perishes,
and no one takes it to heart.
The righteous are taken away,
and no one understands.
From the face of evil
the righteous one is taken away,
and his memory shall be in peace.

He has made his abode in peace,
and in Zion his habitation.

A candle is extinguished.



O Death, I will be your death; Officiant - - O Grave, I will be your de struc tion.

Psalm 51 (NRSV)

The psalm is spoken. You are invited to take a turn reading a verse whenever you feel so inclined.

  1. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.
  2. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
  3. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.
  4. Against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are justified in your sentence and blameless when you pass judgment.
  5. Indeed, I was born guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me.
  6. You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart.
  7. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
  8. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have crushed rejoice.
  9. Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.
  10. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.
  11. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me.
  12. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.
  13. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you.
  14. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, O God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of your deliverance.
  15. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.
  16. For you have no delight in sacrifice; if I were to give a burnt offering, you would not be pleased.
  17. The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
  18. Do good to Zion in your good pleasure; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem,
  19. then you will delight in right sacrifices, in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings; then bulls will be offered on your altar.
O Death, I will be your death; Officiant - - O Grave, I will be your de struc tion.

A candle is extinguished.

Psalm of Praise

The psalm is sung antiphonally. You are invited to join either the “leader” or the “responder” part (with your microphone muted).

Luke will serve as leader and Tim will serve as responder.

- - Re mem ber me, Lord God, Leader - - when you come in to your king dom.

Psalm 150 (NZPB)

incipit ◊ flex Leader Responder


Praise the Lord, O praise God in the ho-ly place: *


praise our God in the migh-ty heav-ens.


Praise the Lord for many acts of pow-er: *


praise our God for greatness be-yond mea-sure.


Praise the Lord with the sound of the trum-pet: *


praise our God upon the lute and the harp.


Praise the Lord with timbrels and dan-cing: *


praise our God upon the strings and the pipe.


Praise the Lord with clash of cym-bals: *


praise our God upon re-sound-ing cymb-als.


Let everything that has breath praise the Lord: *


O, praise     the Lord.

- - Re mem ber me, Lord God, Responder - - when you come in to your king dom.

A candle is extinguished, leaving only one remaining. This final candle symbolizes the light of Christ.


The canticle is sung antiphonally. You are invited to join either the “leader” or the “responder” part (with your microphone muted).

Philip will serve as leader and Stacy will serve as responder.

- - - You led forth in Your kind ness this peo ple that you re deemed. Leader - - - You gui ded them in Your strength to Your ho ly a bode.

The First Canticle of Moses
Exodus 15:1–18 (Alter)

incipit ◊ flex Leader Responder


Let me sing     unto the Lord, for He su-urged, O surged: *


horse and its rider He hurled in-to the sea.    


My strength     and my pow-er is Yah, *


and He be-came my de-li-verance.


This is     my God: I ex-tol Him, *


God of my fa-thers: I ex-alt Him.


The Lord     is a man of war, *


the Lord is His name.    


Pha-raoh’s     chariots and his force *


He pitched in-to the sea    


and the pick of his cap-tains *


were drowned in the Reed Sea.


The depths     did co-ver them o-ver, *


down they went in the deep like a stone.    


Your right     hand, O Lord, is mi-ghty in pow-er. *


Your right hand, O Lord, smashed the e-nemy.


In Your     great surging You wreck those a-gainst You, *


You send forth Your wrath, it con-sumes them like straw.    


And with     the breath of Your nostrils waters heaped up, streams stood up like a mound, *


the depths congealed in the heart of the sea.    


The enemy said: “I’ll pursue, overtake, divide up the loot, *


my gullet will fill with them, I’ll bare my sword, my hand de-spoil them.”


You blew     with your breath: the sea co-vered them o-ver. *


They sank like lead in the mi    -ghty wa-ters:


Who is     like You among the gods, O Lord, who is like You, mi-ghty in ho-liness? *


Fearsome in praise, wor-ker of won-ders.


You stretched out Your hand: *


earth swal-lowed them up.    


You led     forth in Your kind--ness this people that You     re-deemed. *


You guided them in Your strength to Your ho-ly a-bode.    


Peoples heard, they quaked, *


trembling seized Phili-sti    -a’s dwel-lers.


Then were     the chieftans of Edom dis--mayed, the dukes of Moab, shud-der-ing seized them, *


all the dwellers of Ca    -naan quailed.    


Ter-ror     and fear did fall up-on them, *


as Your arm loomed big they were like a stone.    


Till Your     people crossed o-ver, O Lord, *


till the people You made Yours crossed o-ver.


You’ll bring     them, you’ll plant them, on the mount of Your e--state, a firm place for Your dwelling You wrought, O Lord, *


the sanctum, O Sovereign, Your hands firm-ly found-ed.


The Lord     shall be king for all time! *


The Lord shall be king for all time!    

- - - You led forth in Your kind ness this peo ple that you re deemed. Responder - - - You gui ded them in Your strength to Your ho ly a bode.

Concluding Prayers

The final candle is hidden, symbolizing Christ’s death and the apparent victory of the forces of evil.

Then, the officiant sings the memorial antiphon:

- - - - Christ for us be came o be di ent Officiant - - un to death, e ven death on a cross; - - - - - - There fore God has high ly ex al ted him - - - and be stowed on him the Name which is a bove e very name.

All silently pray the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

The officiant says the collect:

Almighty God, we pray you graciously to behold this your family, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed, and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the cross.

After the collect, a loud noise is made, symbolizing the “great earthquake” when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to Jesus’ tomb (Matthew 28:1 NRSV). We are taking this somewhat literally with a clip from:

Ben Holtzman, Matt Turk, and Jason Candler, 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Mag. 9.0. Body and Surface Waves

The host will play the video. Turn up your volume! (see details)

The officiant retuns the hidden candle to it’s place, symbolizing the resurection.

The service ends with silent reflection.